The dog who is so angry he cannot move. He cannot eat. He cannot sleep. He can just barely growl. Bound so tightly with tension and anger, he approaches the state of rigor mortis.
Those times
Three years found
Three years ago I stepped off the ledge, and took a risk on myself to buy this little green studio in the remote wilds of Starrucca, PA. Tens of visitors have shared in the it's magic in person and hundreds in the cloud, and me and the boys have explored and learned how to know and love a single small place after a decade plus of passports, backpacks, cleared out drawers, sublets, and the Trooper, oh the Trooper.
There has been loss, Rodger Odysseus I think of you everyday here, and gains. Achilles, Zeke and Asterisk, as well as friends both near and far. Approximately 800 drone flights, 1000+ time-lapse movies, 3000 static photos for the year long projects, and nearly 100,000 photos in and around the studio of critters large & small, plants, weather snow fires, stars & friends.
A minor milestone passed, the journey continues.
Cloud Messages
Something you can't touch
you can barely see
clouds & mist
exists the abstraction
crime makes cents, on the dollar
before it's gone in the daylights of
labors lost
Wandering Stars
Mistaken for stars,
planets thought to effect the lives of mortals
& gods
pass the time
with coffee in bed
Depth of Field
Close, to how far, this field fills my vision.
Beautiful things sleep here
Twist, reach, cut, writhe,
earth moves, hours past alignment
mist comes, the sun disinfects
before me the field lays,
The line
The line. Between, drawn, crossed, stood, bent, traveled, ignored, for, because, over, under, bet, seen, of thinking, straight, narrow, curved and flawed. Connected by division..
Percival's errand
Circa 2011.